If you wonder who are interested to visit weird websites then ask yourself why you’re here :p
It’s funny & interesting to see how creative people sometimes work and build something just for fun, sometimes they end up going viral and even making tons of money as well.
So, hold on tight we are going to present you some of the weird websites of all time that will make you wonder why those existed in 1st place.
Weird Websites on The Internet

Weird Websites Top 1-10
- https://www.zoomquilt.org/ – If you somehow love to zoom pictures or see illusion effects, you can open this website anytime and experience the infinite zooming images. However, it looks a bit attractive to look at that smooth zoom.
- http://www.shipyourenemiesglitter.com/ – This is one of the weird websites that even sells weird products like stuff full of glitters. If you love your enemy so much, or if there is someone you love to annoy, then you can make their day by sending these things.
- http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ – If you want to reject someone or say a no to something with a funny but sarcastic voice, you can send this link to anyone you want to say no. And it will say noooo in a good voice.
- https://cat-bounce.com/ – If you are obsessed with cats or are getting bored because you don’t own a cat, then you might want to take a look at this website and see bouncing cats. You can also make the cats rain. However, they look funny, but still, all the cats are adorable.
- https://pointerpointer.com/ – Want to point your finger at someone just to annoy them or make fun of them, then send a link to this website and they will be the person to whom all the pictures in the website will point.
- http://www.bristlr.com/ – So this website lets you date with people who have got a beard. This site is referred to as Tinder for beards. You can talk with people that you match with. If you have got a beard, then you will be matched with the people looking for beards. Or if you are looking for a person with a beard, then they will give you people with beards worth looking for.
- https://www.flightradar24.com/ – This website allows you to track flights globally and provide you with real-time information about thousands of aircraft around the world. This website is frequently featured in the media as well. Not only can you track the flights but also you can set a few filters. You can download this application on your Android or iOS devices.
- http://www.snapbubbles.com/ – If you love to pop the bubble wrap whenever a gift arises for you, then you can visit this website and enjoy your whole day by snapping them bubbles. This website gives you full access to pop the virtual bubbles whenever you want to pass your time.
- http://htwins.net/scale2/ – If you love to look at things with keen observation and love to zoom in and zoom out. Then you can visit this website or download it on your iOS device to look at the universe or a few other things with a different perspective. You can also visualize the space or galaxy by zooming out.
- http://www.sanger.dk/ – If you love dogs, then you might want to take a look at this weird website because it shows a do that will continuously lick the screen. But if you are around a cat, then they will not like to watch it. Another useless website present around you.
Weird Websites Top 11-20
- http://www.patience-is-a-virtue.org/ – This is the most useless website because when you open the link, it will continuously display the loading circle. And will display that the website will take a longer time to load. In short, this website is perfectly designed to check your patience because no one likes when a buffering signal is prompted.
- https://www.rainymood.com/ – If you love the sound of the rain and thunderstorm, then you can have a realistic sound experience by downloading this on your mobile phone. This gives you the most relaxing raining sound experience. And there are many people out there who love to have a rainy mood which he pls them to relax. This application is downloadable on iOS and Android devices.
- http://111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com/ – This website has no particular explanation to give because the person who created this website is completely out of his mind. This has all the ugliest and funniest images of a man.
- https://amazondating.co/ – This is the amazon dating website where you can find hot singles near you. All the singles have different rates, and even they are given ratings as well, which makes this website weirder. If you own an amazon prime account, then you can have the delivery in one hour, and that is free of cost. It gives you the exact experience when you are shopping on Amazon.
- http://www.stealthboats.com/ – This website is dedicated to storing the images of stealth boats. It says that you can click on the image to visualize the enlarged view, but once you click it, nothing will happen because they mentioned that stealth boats are not seen by radar or humans.
- http://ninjaflex.com/– Another pointless website that you will come across is this. It will depict you some non-stop repeating moves, and when you hover your mouse over them, it will disappear and say the name of the website. There is no point or anything on this website, but yes it is quite funny though.
- http://endless.horse/ – This is also a weird website because it actually shows you an endless horse. If you have never seen a horse with an endless length of his legs, then you might want to visit and have a look at how an endless horse looks like.
- https://thatsthefinger.com/ – Whoever made this website is seriously pointless. Because this website will give you a middle finger whenever you scroll up and down, it is a completely useless and pointless website among the others.
- http://burymewithmymoney.com/ – Would you love to be buried with your money? No matter what your answer is, but this website will make you laugh at your best because this is so pointless that it shows a man falling and dropping with his money and shouting with a wicked voice. Well, this proves we have no limit of pointless websites around the globe.
- https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/ – This website is different from other weird websites because it lets you draw anything on the screen, and the app will guess what you are drawing. This is the perfect way to learn and test your drawing skills on a weird website, not only that it gives you a time-based drawing and a voice explaining what you are drawing on the screen.
Weird Websites Top 21-30
- http://crossdivisions.com/ – This is the most pointless website as it will continuously show you some illusions. You can change the colour of the illusions by clicking on the screen. But there are a lot of chances that it can make you feel a bit sick because this website tries to hypnotize you with some expanding colours along with creepy colours.
- http://movenowthinklater.com/ – This website illustrates a black and white chessboard with some pieces of circles that move around on their own, and you have no control over their movement. Well, this is the perfect example of another website that does not need to be one the Internet.
- http://beesbeesbees.com/ – One of the strangest websites which are pointless at the same time. This website does not have a perfect explanation because it prompts “BEES” again and again, along with actual bees with some crazy people shouting. We don’t know why the person created this website, and what was his motive?
- https://cat-bounce.com/
- http://www.koalastothemax.com/ – This is a waste of time as you have to keep on moving your mouse over the circle and they will divide once, and you have to keep on doing the same thing again and again to reveal a picture of a koala. If you get irritated very easily, then this is not the website for you as you can go mad while moving your cursor.
- http://www.everydayim.com/ – Love to see motivational quotations every day then you might want to take a look at this site. But if you are disappointed, then donβt blame us because this is the list of all the weird websites and you cannot expect what we just said about motivational quotes.
- http://www.fallingfalling.com/– Want to visualize how infinite falling of coloured sheets look like, then visit this weird website. This will not only give you a visual effect of falling different coloured sheets, but there is also a background sound, or should we say noise to enhance your experience.
- http://www.fallingfalling.com/
- http://www.republiquedesmangues.fr/ – In love with mango and peace, then this is just designed for you to give you how a peaceful mango looks in reality. But be careful you might get to see a weird floating mango. We donβt understand from which world such people come and build these websites.
- http://www.rrrgggbbb.com/ – Ever heard of RGB? If not, then thatβs great because you just have to look at this pointless website and understand what this means. Not only that it will shout at you continuously chanting the alphabet until you are annoyed. We don’t know what exactly was there in the mind of the person that made this website.
Weird Websites Top 31-40
- http://www.partridgegetslucky.com/ – This website plays a bass starring Alan Partridge, who is a legend in the UK. It doesn’t have anything to give but just a looped play of this song. Cannot be considered as useless but yes, a bit weird but simple.
- http://www.zombo.com/ – Well on this website you can do anything that you want to do, but the problem is that you cannot do anything but listen to annoying sounds repeating itself that you can do anything on this website. Weird but funny website.
- http://www.ouaismaisbon.ch/ – If you love to hear some voices full of expressions, then you might want to take a look at it. There are not only three identical faces, but the sound and expression they make are just unbelievable. Such a weird and useless website, among others.
- http://r33b.net/ – Want to see how a hypnotized toad looks like. Well, this might give you not only a visual experience but also the sound that an “HYPNOTOAD” makes. Congratulations, you got one more pointless website to see because that’s the reason we are here to give you such weird websites made by weirdos.
- https://www.twitch.tv/Limmy – Among all the weird websites, it is creepy at the same time. It says that this is a Live video but doesn’t know what exactly it was, a man playing an online game trying to hunt others. The creepiest website we have gone through.
- http://www.nohomophobes.com/ – This is not that weird, but still this sites keep a note of tweets that have been posted which contains a homophobic word in it. At least this site has a purpose of showing us how the usage of homophobic language every day. Least weird among others.
- https://www.mapcrunch.com/ – Who doesn’t love to travel on random streets? Well, everyone does, and this website is perfect for visiting and seeing a 3D visualization of streets. This has some pictures, but no one knows where it will take you. And when you click on the go button, you will be in some other random place.
- https://ilooklikebarackobama.com/ – Well, there is no shortage of weirdos in this world. And among them, this man whose name is “Trevor” thinks that he looks like Barack Obama. But still, he cannot keep his personal life to himself, and he just created this website to let other people know that he looks like Barack Obama when he even doesn’t.
- https://zombiepassions.com/ – This website is a bit creepy if you are not a Zombie lover. But if you are a zombie lover or a zombie freak, then you may love this website. This website is a “Zombie Dating Site” where you can find a perfect match for you.
- http://pleaselike.com/ – Well, there is not a lot to say about this website, because it displays a like button the same as the Facebook like button and asks you to like it. And want to know one lame thing here, over 370k people have already liked this as if something will make them happy about it.
Weird Websites Top 41-50
- http://corndogoncorndog.com/ – If you love to eat corn dogs, but can’t eat it right now, then why not open this page and have corn dogs. Well if you are a foodie, then you might not look at it because it will give you cravings to eat that picture of corn dogs which of course you cannot do just by looking at them.
- http://www.electricboogiewoogie.com/ – There is not much to explain about this website as it can be described in one word which is “Weird”. Well, useless and pointless can also be other words for this website because it doesn’t have anything funny or something like that. It’s just a continuous animation of some circuit.
- https://corgiorgy.com/ – This just got more weird by showing a lot of Corgi dogs with the same expression and movements. Plus there is also a huge dog travelling on your screen. We don’t understand what the reason behind making such a pointless website is.
- http://wutdafuk.com/ – Read the name of the website carefully, and as the name says, it displays that only. But with a lot of sparkling letters with polka dots which makes this not only a weird but a useless website at the same time.
- https://weirdorconfusing.com/ – Did you know that eBay and Amazon sell some weird and confusing products as well? If your answer is no, then you have to visit this website and click on the “PLEASE” button, and it will show you a weird or a confusing product that you can buy from eBay or Amazon. Isn’t that amazing!
- http://whitetrash.nl/ – This website is not white trash; it’s just weird and useless. You can stare at the face of the kid and listen to the sound all day if you want to. Well, this proves that people can give any website on the internet.
- http://corndog.io/ – If you are in love with corn dogs, then you might not like what you are about to see on this website. This website will give you lots of corn dogs falling from the sky but in slow motion. If you are getting bored, then you can take a look at this website and become more frustrated.
- http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ – What to say about this website, it just has some creepy creature that moves a lot whenever you move your cursor over it. This is a result of some freaky because when you move your cursor too fast, it starts shaking vigorously. And also not to forget even the eyes of this creature blinks which makes it just weirder.
- https://chrismckenzie.com/ – Well, this website has a pink colour square which has a smiley face that moves in the direction wherever you move your cursor. Plus it has a smile and a sad face as well, which doesn’t make this website weird at all!
- http://www.somethingstore.com/ – Love to shop online, well check out this website as it sells things at a very cheap rate compared to other websites which is definitely weird.
Weird Websites Top 51-60
- https://z0r.de/ – This is the website where you can find not weird short videos or GIFs kind of images, but they do have some sound effects. There is no point of this website because you cannot exactly do something with this website apart from seeing videos and listening to weird sounds.
- http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/ – As much as it has a weird name with 9 w’ s in its URL, it has much more weird links or images or some stuff which is not at all understandable. We don’t know what the creator was thinking before making this website.
- http://www.youfellasleepwatchingadvd.com/ – To be honest, you can really fall asleep watching this website. It gives you a few options to select which DVD you want to watch on that small TV present on the screen. This just got a lot weird and useless here.
- https://theuselessweb.com/ – Ever been to a useless website? If no, then visit this “useless” website and will take you to other useless websites. This is the one useless website that connects to other useless websites like itself, just click on “Please” and you’ll see another website.
- https://isitchristmas.com/ – Do you love Christmas and become excited when it is Christmas time? Well, we’ll give you one suggestion to not open this website during the Christmas time, because the word that it says will not please you during that time of the year. To reveal the suspense, you must know that it says No!
- http://pixyland.org/peterpan/ – If you are a fan Peter Pan, then visit this weird website to hear the story of Peter Pan by a boy. But the twist is that he doesn’t talk much about Peter, but he does talk about himself which is not at all weird. So, go ahead and try to make yourself frustrated by reading the whole page.
- http://www.godhatesshrimp.com/ – Do you love to have shrimps, lobsters or crabs? Well, you must know that God Hates Shrimp, as depicted by this weird website, you’ll get to know about the stated line. We are not sure what this website exactly wants to say, but you can visit yourself and find it out.
- http://www.patience-is-a-virtue.org/
- http://vectorpark.com/head/ – This is creepy and a lot strange at the same time, because it loads the shape of the head first and wherever you move your cursor the eyes of that head moves to that direction which is a lot creepy to look at. Overall, this is another weird website that you must add to your list as well.
- http://procatinator.com/ – Do you love cats and don’t have one? Well, you can go on this website and stare at an adorable face of a cat that will continuously stare at you with her beautiful eyes and will do nothing. Such a weird website!
Weird Websites Top 61-70
- http://tane.us/ – So, this website gives you a weird game in which you have to drag goggles and put it over the eyes of a weird face, but once you put it, you get good music which makes you feel like you accomplished something. Well, we got another weird website.
- http://www.thisman.org/ – This website gives you a creepy face of a man and tells you that you might have seen him in your dreams and gives a history and theories to prove this. You might get creeped out, so if you get scared a lot from little things, then this website is not at all for you.
- http://www.hosanna1.com/ – This website has so much to offer because they have written a lot of things in a messy way which is kind of weird. But it is for sure that it has something related to adorable pets.
- http://thebeatlesneverbrokeup.com/ – Whoever created this website wanted to share his experience through different tapes that he got while listening to the tape. If you are not creeped out and interested to know, then don’t wait, go ahead and listen to those tapes. But be careful we’re not sure what will be there in those tapes.
- http://momspaghetti.ytmnd.com/ – So, this website will give you some images of spaghetti along with a singer who sings songs. In short, this is a pointless website, and we’re not sure why anyone would create this website.
- http://www.youshouldhaveseenthis.com/ – This website gives you a list of weird or confusing 99 things and claims that you have to see all these things on the internet unless you are a loser. So, if you think you can tolerate this much of weirdness, then go ahead and open all the links.
- https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/ – This shows you the meaning of a few words just like a dictionary, but these words are of obscure sorrows. Well, we can add this also among the list of some pointless websites.
- https://www.internetlivestats.com/ – So this website is a bit weird as it gives you the statistics of internet users, websites, emails, and much more from all over the world. We don’t know if this gives accurate statistics or not.
- https://www.vaguelyrudeplacesmap.com/ – Well, this website gives you a map of the world stating places are Vaguely Rude according to the British sense. And this website doesn’t make sense, because what one will do after knowing these places.
- https://sciencevsmagic.net – This gives you weird science magic of many things. There is not much to explain about this website because all the things on this website are weird. If somehow you are into weird Science things and magic, then you can visit this website and experience weirdness to its extent.